Saturday 8 October 2011

And so Liverpool

I made my way to Liverpool on the train yesterday, and arrived to sunshine and friend I'd not seen in months. I went to the pub, had pizza, watched films and stayed up late in the house I lived in last year.

This morning I woke up, it was raining, the house is silent, dark and empty, there hasn't been food, the people I've sent messages to haven't replied and I feel low.

Currently I'm feeling like a let-down, because of things I've done this last season, which I thought were the right decisions, and because of things beyond my control that I'm still blaming myself for. I was sad at home, and now I'm sad here...The damp, miserable grey of urban Liverpool, a sniffly head cold, a feeling of loneliness and the fact I haven't actually eaten anything today aren't helping I don't think.

It is most definitely one of those days.

I need a sandwich.

1 comment:

  1. As soon as your back let me know. I have Sunday's free and would love to go rambling, scrambling and snapping with you :3
