Friday 9 September 2011


Right, well, it's almost the weekend, and I haven't done a blog post all week!

Thus far I've sent a visitor on their merry way homewards (I'm told the plane didn't crash, huzzah!), sorted out a somewhat stressful situation, moved Robyn into her new halls ;) started a pattern for a double breasted waistcoat (red wool, mmm) and crocheted a hat!

And apparently I don't post enough here, so I hope this post pleases my Canadian a little : p

Tonight I'll be venturing forth into the bustling urban metropolis that is Bangor (going to the pub) and then tomorrow I'm hopefully going on a wirework class which should be cool! It's being run by a local female blacksmith which is pretty groovy in my opinion!

The first picture is the face of a man who has just woken up and needs tea! The second is the same man, but having drunk a cup of breakfast tea! See the change in his eyes and face! If YOU need to wake up in a healthy, efficient way, drink tea!

I like tea...

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