Sunday 14 August 2011


I felt ill yesterday and I'm still a bit...blergh today, so no church, and maybe no badminton with chums :( Boo.

I made up for feeling like my head was being soaked in a vat of glue yesterday afternoon by dressing properly (which for me = waistcoat and hat) and going to get a Chinese takeaway in a fedora. Here's a photo to prove it! I do look a bit like a 1920s jazz saxophonist, but I like my new spats!

Anyhoo, I crocheted an acorn this morning, it went quite well but I think I need to work on looking at the next year now. I could travel, work, travel AND work, study some more or become an itinerant artist of some sort and be poor but inspired. Which one will I choose? Probably a combination, but the issues are manifold, hmmmmm!

Anyway, picture one is what I wore yesterday. Picture two is the acorn which now rests on the mantelpiece. His name is Keith.

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